Bright Reads
Little books to help kids with big emotions.
Request a free copy of the Invisible String through the Bright Reads program!
Bright Reads provides free age-appropriate books about dealing with big emotions, cancer and illness, and grief and loss, to the children of parents going through cancer.
As part of our Bright Reads program, we provide a selection of the recommended books below free of charge to the children of parents going through cancer.
In addition to the Invisible String, each family will also get a copy of A Tiny Boat at Sea - an excellent, concise resource for parents with age-appropriate examples for how to talk to kids about cancer.
We got this book well before my cancer diagnosis, to help address separation anxiety when my son started preschool. We revisited it often during my treatment, and he was really comforted by the “invisible string” concept - the idea that people who love each other are connected by an invisible string made of love. In the story, a mother tells her twins Liza and Jeremy about the invisible string after they’re awoken by a thunder storm one night. The twins ask about all the different places the string can reach, and the mom reassures her children that it can reach the people they love anywhere - even if they are mountain climbers or deep sea divers. She reassures them that it remains connected even when she gets mad at them. She tells them their string even reaches their Uncle Brian in Heaven. Appropriate for kids ages 3-7.